I gÃ¥r var det en smule anderledes trening. Mester Henrik Hunstad var hos oss og lærte oss litt om Dan Bong (kort stokk – merk MED orddeling!).
For å forklare hva Dan Bong er siterer jeg Wiki Sports:

«Originating with ancient village militias, and gaining popularity with the Royal Court because of its concealability.
The Dan Bong is held squarely in the middle of its short length. Strikes are made with both ends of the Dan Bong, in extremely quick succession.»

Kategorier: Taekwondo


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1 kommentar

Morten Knudsen · 05/04-2010 07:46

mknudsen.org: En kveld med Dan bong @ http://bit.ly/dgZADR

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